European Journal of Health and Biology Education

The Challenges of Instructional Design and Development in Biology Education in Nigeria
Jacinta A. Opara 1 *
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1 Universidad Azteca, MEXICO
* Corresponding Author
Research Article

European Journal of Health and Biology Education, 2014 - Volume 3 Issue 1, pp. 25-31

Published Online: 15 Sep 2013

Views: 691 | Downloads: 384

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APA 6th edition
In-text citation: (Opara, 2014)
Reference: Opara, J. A. (2014). The Challenges of Instructional Design and Development in Biology Education in Nigeria. European Journal of Health and Biology Education, 3(1), 25-31.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Opara JA. The Challenges of Instructional Design and Development in Biology Education in Nigeria. European Journal of Health and Biology Education. 2014;3(1):25-31.
AMA 10th edition
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Opara JA. The Challenges of Instructional Design and Development in Biology Education in Nigeria. European Journal of Health and Biology Education. 2014;3(1), 25-31.
In-text citation: (Opara, 2014)
Reference: Opara, Jacinta A.. "The Challenges of Instructional Design and Development in Biology Education in Nigeria". European Journal of Health and Biology Education 2014 3 no. 1 (2014): 25-31.
In-text citation: (Opara, 2014)
Reference: Opara, J. A. (2014). The Challenges of Instructional Design and Development in Biology Education in Nigeria. European Journal of Health and Biology Education, 3(1), pp. 25-31.
In-text citation: (Opara, 2014)
Reference: Opara, Jacinta A. "The Challenges of Instructional Design and Development in Biology Education in Nigeria". European Journal of Health and Biology Education, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014, pp. 25-31.
The paper focuses on the changes in the instructional design of a science course resulted from the implementation of modern information technologies in science education. This is a descriptive study and has three major research questions. The target population consist of biology teachers in tertiary institutions in Rivers State. Data were collected using a questionnaire of a four point likert scale. The validity and reliability of the instrument were ascertained using experts in the field. Ten science teachers in Imo State were used for the test retest exercise, and a reliability of 0.75 was obtained using Pearson product movement correlation coefficient. Frequencies, percentage and mean were the statistics used to take decision on the research questions. The findings revealed the required competencies and there constraints as well as identify the various strategies for science teachers to adhere to create e-learning.
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