European Journal of Health and Biology Education

Exploring the efficacy of practical work on learners’ academic achievements in biology at senior secondary level in Namibia
Fredrick S. Simasiku 1 * , Rauna Amadhila 1, Rikuvera Tjizera 1, Tomas Shivolo 1
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1 School of Secondary and Postgraduate Education, The International University of Management, Windhoek, NAMIBIA
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Research Article

European Journal of Health and Biology Education, 2025 - Volume 12 Issue 1, Article No: e2503

Published Online: 03 Mar 2025

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APA 6th edition
In-text citation: (Simasiku et al., 2025)
Reference: Simasiku, F. S., Amadhila, R., Tjizera, R., & Shivolo, T. (2025). Exploring the efficacy of practical work on learners’ academic achievements in biology at senior secondary level in Namibia. European Journal of Health and Biology Education, 12(1), e2503.
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Reference: Simasiku FS, Amadhila R, Tjizera R, Shivolo T. Exploring the efficacy of practical work on learners’ academic achievements in biology at senior secondary level in Namibia. European Journal of Health and Biology Education. 2025;12(1):e2503.
AMA 10th edition
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Simasiku FS, Amadhila R, Tjizera R, Shivolo T. Exploring the efficacy of practical work on learners’ academic achievements in biology at senior secondary level in Namibia. European Journal of Health and Biology Education. 2025;12(1), e2503.
In-text citation: (Simasiku et al., 2025)
Reference: Simasiku, Fredrick S., Rauna Amadhila, Rikuvera Tjizera, and Tomas Shivolo. "Exploring the efficacy of practical work on learners’ academic achievements in biology at senior secondary level in Namibia". European Journal of Health and Biology Education 2025 12 no. 1 (2025): e2503.
In-text citation: (Simasiku et al., 2025)
Reference: Simasiku, F. S., Amadhila, R., Tjizera, R., and Shivolo, T. (2025). Exploring the efficacy of practical work on learners’ academic achievements in biology at senior secondary level in Namibia. European Journal of Health and Biology Education, 12(1), e2503.
In-text citation: (Simasiku et al., 2025)
Reference: Simasiku, Fredrick S. et al. "Exploring the efficacy of practical work on learners’ academic achievements in biology at senior secondary level in Namibia". European Journal of Health and Biology Education, vol. 12, no. 1, 2025, e2503.
This study examines the impact of practical laboratory work on the academic performance of senior secondary biology learners in the Khomas Region Namibia. Employing a quantitative research approach, data was collected from four purposively selected schools. Data were collected through document analysis of the four schools of with two schools were fully furnished with science laboratory and the other two lacked science laboratory. Descriptive statistics were employed to analyze quantitative data. The findings indicate a notable influence of laboratory exposure on academic performance of learners in understanding science concepts, with learners who have access to laboratory facilities demonstrating higher levels of achievement. However, it was also observed that even learners without laboratory access strive to excel by diligently grasping theoretical concepts. Recommendations drawn from this study include advocating for the establishment of laboratories in schools lacking such facilities, as well as encouraging collaboration between schools to facilitate access to laboratory resources. This study underscores the importance of practical work in biology and calls for concerted efforts to ensure equitable access to laboratory resources for all learners.
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